The Hook, Line & Threader™ is an innovative bait and tackle system set to become the must-have tool for every anglers tackle box. The patented design is extremely versatile and works with most species of baitfish and all artificial minnows, frogs and worms. Hook placement is everything! This device allows you to set a hook firmly in the body of any baitfish or soft plastic bait with ease. Keeps the bait alive on the hook.
One item your local bait store don't want you to know about.
*Possible to use the same bait on several catches due to bait can move up the line out of the mouth then slid back down to catch the next fish*. Your savings in live bait can pay for the item faster than you would think!

Use our patent pending bait threaders to rig live and artificial bait with ease!
Hook Eze to tie the perfect knot
& Brush Gripper to anchor you in seconds over that fishing spot.