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Here we have one of the best hook guards made today. Unlike others wraps (a piece plastic or cloth with velcro stitched to it) this device was designed for just one purpose. To keep the hooks from any lure from tangling other lines, snagging cloths, fingers, pets, etc. and to help keep your equipment from being damaged from lures. (line frays, scratched rod blanks and reels)
You can tie on lures very safe and simply. Just insert the lure into LureTamer with the eye hanging out. Spin five times and tie clinch knot. No exposed hooks while tying or in transit. When done fishing place lure back into LureTamer and use hook to reel and go. No more worries of damaging car or injuring pets or passengers while in transit.
One squeeze to open, drop lure inside and close. Attach to the reel as shown and away you go with no worries. Has line guide to eliminate kinks and frays, UV and chemical resistant, floats in the water and is the only guard that keeps Gulp and other synthetic baits from drying out as fast.
These will work with almost all lures from Zara spooks, smaller vertical jigs, mirr-o-lures, trolling spoons, etc. Comes with instructions and tips for use and a 1 year full replacement warranty if you can break it no questions asked. NAFC approved and has been showcased on Florida Fishing Report!!!
If you fish with the best, use the best protection around - Lure Tamer!!!!!
Lures and reels Not included as these are my babies!!!
Beware of the knock offs! If it doesn't say "Lure Tamer" on the lid - it's just a piece of plastic and will damage your guides!!
While your here be sure to check out other great items you will love like Brush gripper & Hook-Eze